Our Classes
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Here are our classes in St. Mark's for the school year 2023/2024.

Junior Infants
Junior Infants is a very happy classroom. We are a group of ten bright and bubbly boys. Our teachers are Ms. Collins and Ms. Donovan, and our SNA is Antoinette. They aways make sure that we have fun while we are learning. We love singing songs, using puppets and most of all our Aistear time.
Senior Infants
The Sky is the Limit!
We are Senior Infants, our teachers are Ms. Masters and Ms. Hoban.
We love to make jigsaw puzzles, play games and tell funny stories.
We love to sing, play soccer and dance and we are looking forward to the school year ahead.
First Class and Second Class
Welcome to First and Second Class. Ms McCarthy and Ms Buttimer are our teachers. We are a very energetic class who love all sorts of active learning. Second Class will be getting their First Holy Communion this year. We always try our best in school.
Inis Geal
The boys in Inis Geal are excited for the school year ahead! We love learning about the world around us and working with our friends on group projects. We look forward to playing with old and new friends, and making wonderful memories along the way! This year, our teacher is Ms. Brennan and our SNAs are Lorraine and Rachel.
Inis Free
We are the boys of Inis Free. We are all friends. Our teacher is Mr. Carroll and our SNA's are Siobhán and Eva. We do lots of hard work. Our hobbies are Lego, yard time, hurling, swimming, and spending time with our families.
Tir na nÓg
The boys in Tir na nÓg are looking forward to a busy and fun year ahead . Miss Kidney, Miss Carey, Kathy and Marie-Ellen are feeling very lucky to work with such wonderful boys
Third and Fourth Class
Welcome to third and and fourth Class! We are among the most energetic and mannerly boys in the school and we love to learn. Our classroom is always very busy - we are always trying our best! Our teachers are Ms. Bowen, Ms. Darcy and Ms. Hunt
Fifth and Sixth Class
We are fifth and sixth class- the "big boys" of the school! We always try our best and work hard everyday. We love being part of our school soccer, football and VEX robotics teams. Our teachers are Ms. O' Connell and Ms. Finn.
We have a lot of responsibility in St. Mark's - looking after the younger boys in yard and during lunch breaks. All the boys look up to us to show good example and how to be a super St. Mark's boy!
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Oileán Cróga
We are Oileán Cróga. Our teacher is Ms. Cronin and our SNA's are Michelle and Ria. We are a really happy class and have lots of fun each day in school.

Seomra Seóda
Meet Seomra Seoda, our Teacher Ms. Heaphy, SNAs Colette and Nicole. We are having such a great time together and looking forward for all the fun and learning ahead.